C (255/301)

From:Bob Lanham
Date:19 Aug 99 at 10:16:55
Subject:SAS linking

From: Bob Lanham <bobl@jaxproductions.com>

> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 15:55:20 +0100
> From: Rod_MacLean@uk.ibm.com
> Subject: RE: saving an ilbm
> Have you linked against saveilbm.o?

At first I though that the SAS "build" command would automatically link
everything that it found in the same directory. But now I have put
saveilbm.o in the SCoptions linker options, in the Libraries/Objects
box. This has helped. But is it the right way?

> > Does anybody have an example of a good way to
> > save a window as an ilbm?
> I've tried using IFF.library and it is quite simple

That sounds good, but I was hoping to stay away from 3rd party libraries
if possible.